Pathways to the Welsh Language for International Migrants (Llwybrau at y Gymraeg) aims to create an inclusive, Welsh-language approach to language education and integration. Recognising the diverse and multicultural society of Wales, our mission is to ensure that every individual, regardless of their origin, can access and appreciate the richness of the Welsh language and bilingual education.

The primary challenge addressed by this project is the limited awareness and accessibility of Welsh and bilingual education among international adult and child migrants in Wales. We aim to bridge this gap, fostering an environment of inclusivity and multicultural understanding.

We work on raising awareness about Welsh and bilingual education among international migrants through a variety of initiatives. These include educational workshops, community programs, language courses, and support resources designed to help migrants comfortably navigate the Welsh education system.

Our project contributes to a more inclusive and diverse approach to language education in Wales. By improving access and awareness of Welsh language provisions, we're fostering a more inclusive society where the Welsh language can thrive alongside other languages.

Pathways to Welsh